
My name is Gabby.  

I am a weight loss mindset coach and I lost half my body weight through exercise, eating right, and a little (or a lot of) soul searchin’.

 I'm here to motivate you, inspire you, and make you laugh on your journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

EARTHING: What Is It and How Does It Heal Us

EARTHING: What Is It and How Does It Heal Us


Did you know that spending time in nature is actually good for you? Hard facts and statistical proof have shown this over and over again. In a University of Essex study, after participants spent time in nature, over 70% of them had less depression and 69% had an increase in overall wellness.

Getting fresh air and seeing some green improves our physical, mental, and spiritual health. In fact, spending time in nature is often referred to as green therapy or ecotherapy. It soothes the soul. Just 20 minutes outside can improve our health!

There’s another type of nature therapy and oh boy, it’s a doozy. And by doozy I mean absolutely insanely awesome! Its called Earthing. Earthing, also called grounding, is most easily explained by electricity. Our earth is electrical, just as we are electrical beings. Our bodies run electrically (think cardiovascular and nervous systems). Earthing is when you spend time with your bare feet in contact with the earth's surface.

With your bare feet on the ground, the earth's electrical current is then able to travel into your feet and enters your system. This resets and stabilizes our bodies' electricity. This crazy, magical, and mystical phenomenon quickly starts healing our insides. Pain and inflammation are reduced, our biological rhythms are righted, and we are infused with calmness. It even helps us sleep better.

Wanna take a guess at what causes our earth's surface to be grounded?


Lightening is so important! Every few seconds, lightening is striking the earth somewhere. As it strikes, it charges the ground with electrons. It is these same electrons that make their way into our bodies and help heal us. Pretty damn amazing, huh? The earth really does provide us with everything we need.

For those who are bedridden or have a very difficult time getting outside, there are even grounding mats you can purchase that mimic the earth's electricity! I would think that the real deal is best but for those who don't have that option, this is a wonderful alternative!

Ever wonder why you sleep better at the beach? It's because you're spending a large portion of your day with your toes in the sandy salt water. You are earthing all day long!

Salt water is a powerful electrical conductor. That earthly abracadabra shoots up our legs and all through us and leaves us feeling a sense of peace that only the ocean can bring. 

So if you've always wondered why you love the beach and can't wait for vacation to come each year, that's why! You are literally restored and reset there from all of the earthing you're doing. But don't forget, you can get in some earthing right in your own backyard! You don't need to go to the beach to restore yourself, so unleash those piggies and get to steppin'. 



What Is Earthing.

>> If you have truly looked inside yourself and just can't find concrete answers to why you haven't been able to lose the weight, even after multiple attempts, then you're battling a subconscious weight loss block. Almost every single person who has tried over and over to lose weight for 10 years or more has a weight loss block. I'm here to help.

My specialty is removing weight loss blocks. You can learn more about how we would work 1:1 together to remove your block here: 3 Month Weight Loss Mindset Coaching Package.

PLEASE NOTE: This program is only for individuals who have tried for many, many years to lose weight and have not been able to find success. This program is not designed for newly overweight individuals or individuals with unrealistic weight loss goal deadlines. This program is designed for LIFELONG results and requires you to commit to a lot of inner work and be willing to dig deep. In this program I will work with you and we will identify, find the root cause of, and completely and permanently remove your weight loss block(s).

*The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this article is for general information purposes only. I am not a doctor, nor am I a dietitian. Talk to your physician before making any changes in your diet or exercise regimen. The information found in this article is from various sources which include, but are not limited to, the sites listed above. I encourage you to do your own research and talk with your physician before making any changes in diet or exercise. What has worked for me may not work for you. This information in this article or on this website should never replace or serve as medical advice.


*Affiliate Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires all affiliates to put a disclaimer on their website/blog. I will be providing links just as I've always done but now will receive a very small commission, at no cost to you, if you purchase an item through the affiliate link that I provide. An affiliate link is simply a link that brings you to a place where you can buy that product. I will not earn a commission by you simply clicking on the link, you must actually purchase the item(s) within 24 hours of putting it in your Amazon cart. Prices are exactly the same for you if you purchase through an affiliate link on Half of Gabby. You will NOT pay more by clicking through the link. My promise to you is that I will never recommend a product that I don’t fully 100% believe in and/or use myself and recommend to close friends and family.

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