
My name is Gabby.  

I am a weight loss mindset coach and I lost half my body weight through exercise, eating right, and a little (or a lot of) soul searchin’.

 I'm here to motivate you, inspire you, and make you laugh on your journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Food Addiction Help: Conquering Demons

Food Addiction Help: Conquering Demons

I want you to know that if you’re living a double life, if you’re pretending everything is okay, but on the inside you’re struggling like a mf… I understand. I know what it’s like to live a life where you pretend everything is okay and you fake-smile your way through each day. I understand how it feels to be completely and hopelessly consumed and controlled by a food addiction. I also understand just how dark your thoughts get, thoughts you don’t want to share with anybody (even your closest loved ones). I know what it feels like to be completely out of control and spiraling down to a place where you truly don’t think you’ll survive once you reach it.

Addiction is crippling, no matter what the substance. My greatest and most debilitating addiction was/is food addiction, but I have struggled in the past with other demons. My addictive tendencies (aka tendency to escape my pain through whatever means necessary) have plagued me since I was a teen. Food addiction is where I settled because in my mind, at the time when my food addiction was sinking its claws in me, I justified that using food to escape was more acceptable than illicit substances. I felt as a mom I had to steer clear of drugs and alcohol, but I desperately still needed an escape from my brain and my pain and my heartache. So food is what I choose. I said goodbye to my partying ways that ‘helped’ me escape my pain in my youth and I unknowingly dove right into yet another addiction so that I could find a place of solace from the things I wasn’t willing to face head-on. Oh my, the stories and excuses we tell ourselves. The whoa-is-me shit and the constant justification. The insane mental gymnastics we perform to be okay with our choices. It’s exhausting. It’s actually much more exhausting than just buckling down and putting the work in. Anything to avoid that.

I want you to know if you live in this space right now, there is hope. It won’t always be like this and you are absolutely 100% percent worthy and deserving of good things and a wonderful life, no matter how many poor choices you’ve made or are still making. There was a time I would’ve never believed it either, but I promise you it’s true. You are just as worthy and deserving as ANYBODY ELSE. Your demons don’t make you less worthy of anything.

We all have demons. We all have pain. It doesn’t negate our worth. It just makes us achingly human.

Emotional pain is the hardest pain to deal with, because it’s invisible. We deal with it alone and feel like we’re on an island all by ourself and that no-one could possibly understand it. It makes us feel hopeless and crazy and weak. It makes us feel helpless and powerless and despondent. When suffering from emotional pain, we also fail to realize that so many others, if not everybody else, suffers from some level of emotional pain as well.

Emotional pain is a shared human condition.

We feel so alone when we are experiencing it and we fail to truly understand and acknowledge that so many others suffer like we do. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

I’ve been in recovery from Binge Eating Disorder for 11 years now and I will say this… it’s not easy, but it’s totally doable. It helps TREMENDOUSLY if you come to a point of self-forgiveness for your past actions and decisions. We so easily degrade and punish ourselves for being human and at the same time we minimize our strengths and maximize our failures. We also inaccurately perceive others’ lives as ‘perfect’ and ‘easy’ when in reality we all suffer on some level. Everyone you know has a secret battle they keep hidden. EVERYONE.

Everyone who knew me described me as so outgoing and happy and funny, when all the while I was struggling and barely making it through each day. There were days I prayed for the strength to simply get out of bed and there were a lot of days I never did. I cried myself to sleep every single night. I would wait for my husband to fall asleep and I would silently cry and pray until the wee hours of the night. I lived a double life and no one, NO ONE, that knew me would have ever guessed it. Not in a million years. Not even my own husband, mother, brother, or best friend...all of whom I was extremely close to and talked to everyday.

If any of what you just read sounds anything like you, please, PLEASE, read it again and know you are not alone. Things are not hopeless, your food addiction (or addiction to anything) does not have to rule the roost. YOU can take control and there IS hope.


If you are suffering from food addiction and/or bingeing, I can help you take control.

I have walked the same path that you are walking. I am familiar with the pain and hopelessness with food addiction. I know what it’s like to not be able to stop yourself from bingeing and I have found some ways to take control. I am here if you need me. I will not judge you. Believe me, there is NOTHING you can tell me that will surprise me or make me judge you. I have reached the lowest of lows with my food addiction and I know the depths we can sink when we are under the influence of it. I understand the madness of it all.

>> You can read more about how I can help here: 3 Month Weight Loss Mindset Program. Read all about it and see if it resonates with your soul. If so, I’m looking forward to hearing from you. If it doesn’t resonate with you, I encourage you to find something that does! Talk with your doctor or therapist for recommendations on who can help you with your bingeing. Don’t let it get out of control like I did. I wish for you to find peace in your heart.

PLEASE NOTE: This program is only for individuals who have either tried for many, many years to lose weight and have not been able to find success OR for people who suffer from bingeing. This program is not designed for newly overweight individuals or individuals with unrealistic weight loss goal deadlines. This program does not involve actively trying to lose weight. This program works on shifting mindset and adopting a healthy relationship with not only food, but yourself. This program is designed for LIFELONG results and requires you to commit to a lot of inner work and be willing to dig deep. In this program, I will work with you and we will identify, find the root cause of, and completely and permanently remove your weight loss block(s). If you have a food addiction and are actively bingeing, I will work with you on how to stop the bingeing and take control. Your compulsion to binge is directly related to and stemming from your block(s).

*The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this article is for general information purposes only. I am not a doctor, nor am I a dietitian. Talk to your physician before making any changes in your diet or exercise regimen. The information found in this article is from various sources which include, but are not limited to, the sites listed above. I encourage you to do your own research and talk with your physician before making any changes in diet or exercise. What has worked for me may not work for you. This information in this article or on this website should never replace or serve as medical advice.


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