
My name is Gabby.  

I am a weight loss mindset coach and I lost half my body weight through exercise, eating right, and a little (or a lot of) soul searchin’.

 I'm here to motivate you, inspire you, and make you laugh on your journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Finding Your Beauty BEFORE Goal Weight

Finding Your Beauty BEFORE Goal Weight

What Number Do You Need To See Before You Consider Yourself Beautiful?

Isn't it a damn shame that we all have a number that dictates when we can accept the title of beautiful or worthy? Isn't a damn shame that we need to hit a certain number before we even consider believing a compliment?

I'm going to say something that most of you won't believe...

There is no weight limit on beauty.

I know this is such a hard concept for so many to grasp. It was for me. At nearly 300 pounds, I saw myself as disgusting and I thought everybody else thought that about me too.

It truly wasn’t until AFTER I lost my weight that I could look back and see my beauty when I was obese. It took a grueling two year journey to realize the size of my ass had nothing to do with who I was or what I was worth. Ain’t that some shit? I could’ve loved myself all along. I spent all those years, DECADES, hating myself and calling myself fat and ugly. I had to lose 120 pounds to realize that my number on the scale had nothing to do with who I was or the beauty I possess.

Please don’t do this to yourself.

You are allowed to see your beauty NOW. In fact in order to deem yourself worthy of the time and effort it takes to embark on a journey, you must! If you refuse to see the beauty you possess now, then being overweight isn’t the real problem. The real problem is far greater than skin-deep.

I promise you, everyone who loves you, loves you because of who you are, not because of your weight. You are a treasure to your friends and family and you need to start seeing yourself that way too. Because you can’t hate yourself into losing weight. Let me say that louder for those of you in the back...

You can't hate yourself into losing weight.

When we love who we are, we WANT to take care of ourselves. We don’t look at it like an obligation or a dreaded job, we actually want to, which makes losing weight sooooo much easier. On top of it being easier, we find ourselves being more patient with ourselves and embracing the process. For it's in the process that we learn who we truly are. It's in the process that we learn the real reasons we've been overweight for so long and we start to tackle those demons (which have absolutely nothing to do with food or idleness).

The magic doesn’t lie in a certain number on the scale. The magic is not having a number at all. Not having a number that you need to reach before you give yourself permission to feel beautiful or proud of yourself will actually help you get to your goal weight faster. Loving who you are at the size you are now will eradicate all of the pressure, guilt, shame, and urge to run to food for comfort. Taking away all of those roadblocks will get you to your destination faster.

One last thing before I go... Remember this: Your physical body, your external shell, is merely your appearance. It holds no true beauty.

True beauty lives inside of us; it shines through the sparkle in our eyes when we smile, in the soothing sound of our voices when we comfort others, and in all of the kind and compassionate actions we take during our time here to leave the world a little better of a place than when we got here.

Your external shell will change and age and wrinkle over time, it will break down and eventually succumb to the time limit that we all have here. No matter what you deem as beautiful in someone, if it's based on physical appearance, it will fade. But your true beauty lives in your spirit and your spirit never dies. It’s what makes your mark on the people and places you experience during your time here.

Your impact on the world and your beauty isn’t attached to your physical appearance. That is a false concept that the beauty industries have propagated and we as a society have bought it hook, line, and sinker. I’d bet you my house that you’ve met or known someone who fits society’s definition of beautiful; fit body, lean limbs, little waist, hour glass figure, etc, but yet they had an ugly soul. Society would deem them beautiful yet they throw off red flags and bad energy when they’re near us. We don’t feel good around these people, because they’re not good humans. Their appearance has no bearing on the way they affect our energy. Tell me, can you actually be beautiful if you have an ugly soul?

If you want to have a lean and fit physical body, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact your spirit will much appreciate you giving it a healthy and vibrant body to live in. But don't get it twisted... True beauty has nothing to do with the size of your ass.

Wishing you a happy and reflective rest of your week.


>> Do you need help identifying the real reason why you can’t lose weight? Learn more about my 3 Month Weight Loss Mindset Coaching Package where we will work 1:1 to identify, find the root cause of, and remove your weight loss blocks.

PLEASE NOTE: This 1:1 program is only for individuals who have tried for many, many years to lose weight and have not been able to find success. This program is not designed for newly overweight individuals or individuals with unrealistic weight loss goal deadlines. This program is designed for LIFELONG results and requires you to commit to a lot of inner work and be willing to dig deep. In this program I will work with you and we will identify, find the root cause of, and completely and permanently remove your weight loss block(s).

*The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this article is for general information purposes only. I am not a doctor, nor am I a dietitian. Talk to your physician before making any changes in your diet or exercise regimen. The information found in this article is from various sources which include, but are not limited to, the sites listed above. I encourage you to do your own research and talk with your physician before making any changes in diet or exercise. What has worked for me may not work for you. This information in this article or on this website should never replace or serve as medical advice.


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