All tagged weight loss support
It took me over 10 years to figure this out. I tried all the diet ‘miracles’ for over a decade and only managed to get fatter. All that money I wasted on the pills, teas, wraps, and every other ridiculous diet hack that popped up. Hell, I even tried…
On any given day you can decide to change. How amazing is that? To think that just one decision can change your direction and transform your entire life is just incredible to me.
We all get stuck in ruts. Before we know it, we feel hopelessly cemented in place. Sometimes this lasts for months, years, or even decades! And as I'm sure you know, the longer you stay idle, the deeper that…
What Number Do You Need To See Before You Consider Yourself Beautiful? Isn't it a damn shame that we all have a number that dictates when we can accept the title of beautiful or worthy? Isn't a damn shame that we need to hit a certain number before we even consider believing a compliment? I'm going to say something that most of you won't believe...
The terms Cheat Meal and Cheat Day are further damaging our relationship with food. We don’t realize we’re saying anything hurtful or damaging to ourselves. We think it’s an innocent way to describe our treat meals or off days. But every time we say the word cheat we are…
Do you find yourself doing everything right, but still not able to lose weight? Are one of these top medical reasons preventing you from losing weight?