All by Gabby

Honest Review of Beachbody's Ultimate Reset 21 Day Detox

I've been hearing about Beachbody's Ultimate Reset for years now. I've never really been too interested in lengthy detoxes or cleanses, but I have always been a little curious about the Ultimate Reset because I've heard some good things about it. Problem is that most of the good things I'd heard were coming from people who in some way were affiliated with Beachbody, so I never knew for sure what to think. At one point, about a year ago, I even tried to look up some reviews. The only detailed reviews I could find were from Beachbody coaches and it was only positive points that were listed. I remember thinking, why can't I find an honest review? I mean come on... any 21 day detox, I don't care how awesome it is, has to have some crappy aspects to it. This isn't a measly weekend detox, 21 days is a good chunk of time. It can't be all roses and rainbows.

I've always mostly detoxed or cleansed in natural ways through particular foods, infused waters, and Epsom salt baths and I didn't have any real intentions on doing the ultimate reset anyway so I moved on with my life. A few times in the past, I've completed a 3-day detox, but I never thought I'd ever actually do a 3-week detox. That sounded not so fun to me.

However, in spring of this year I found myself a little bit off track. Then my husband and I took a trip to Nashville and by the time I got back home, let me tell you... I was a lot off track. In addition to being off track, I was (not liking to admit this) in a super lazy funk. All I wanted to do was go back to Nashville and eat more Hattie B's (not even playin').

I didn't feel like thinking about anything or figuring anything out, so for the first time ever I seriously considered doing the Ultimate Reset 21 Day Detox. After pondering it for a few weeks, I decided to go ahead and try it. I figured maybe it would get me back on track and that my curiosity would also finally be quenched about this detox. As soon as I made the decision to do it, I then also decided that I would write an honest review about it. I would write the detailed review I was once searching for, one that doesn't spew any bullshit and just gives it to you straight.

I didn't get paid for this review, I have no ties or affiliations to Beachbody, and I bought this Ultimate Reset Detox with my own money. All of the opinions are my own and boy do I have a lot of them. I give you a blow by blow and I don't hold back. I give you the good, the bad, and the ugly. Find out if this detox is for you...


Dealing With Food Addiction

Today's article talks about food addiction and how you can learn to use that addictive personality to work on solutions instead of causing more problems. When you can change your perspective on a problem, you can take back your power and find a way to cope that isn't destructive. I share how I was able to overcome my food addiction and why I think the same technique will work for you. You don't have to take orders from the food in your pantry anymore. You can take control of your mind and of your life and finally start living the life you want to live.

How To STOP Gaining the Weight Back That You Worked So Hard To Lose

Are you gaining the weight back that you busted your ass to lose? Are you feeling angry and ashamed of yourself because you're starting to pull your fat clothes out from the back of your closet again?

Don't worry! We're going to talk about how to stop the gaining and take back control of the situation. I have very simple steps for you to take to get back on track! I lay out everything for you.

It's okay, I promise!

Even though this article is geared for those of you who have lost weight and now are gaining it back, the solution steps I talk about will help anyone! These steps would be perfect to follow for someone who is just starting their weight loss journey too!

Keep reading to find out how to start losing weight again!


Honey Brussels Sprouts

You'll never believe what I found from my past that has made me start eating brussels sprouts again. Oh man, seriously, I'm pretty sure I need some therapy. For multiple reasons actually. But that's an entirely different kind of article for an entirely different kind of blog. Today, to spare you all the unnecessary madness, I'll stick to giving you a delicious brussels sprouts recipe.

It's easy.

It's healthy.

It's delicious!

Check it out, my peeps!

MEATLOAF IN A MUG: 4 Minute Protein

Need a quick protein?

If you have a mug and a microwave, then you can make this meatloaf... IN FOUR MINUTES!

Okay, I know this sounds weird at first. Meatloaf in a mug? Not something you hear everyday. In fact when my husband, Jay, walked in on me experimenting with this in the kitchen, he looked at me like I lost my damn mind. I think his exact words were, while scrunching up his face, "What in the hell am I looking at right now?" After I told him I was trying to make a mini meatloaf in a mug he didn't look any less weirded out. In fact it was at that point that he pivoted and walked straight out of the kitchen while mumbling something about me being crazy. Whatever, dude.

I've been slacking on my protein intake lately. This mini meatloaf has been the perfect solution! Find out how quick and easy it is to make! ...


I have say right off the bat, I had nothing to do with today's post. I gotta give 100% of the credit to my 12 year old, Gia. This creative and crafty little one (okay maybe not so little anymore *whimpers*) made her mama a jar of this peppermint sugar scrub for Christmas. I love it so much that I had her teach me... and all of you how to make it! It's so easy you won't believe it!

This would be a fantastic gift to make for Valentine's Day!...

Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts?

Okay we all know how it works. You go on a diet, you lose a couple pounds, then you hit a wall, and then you quit. Or maybe you lost 30 pounds and you were happy at that, but then six months later you’ve gained 15 of it back. Or maybe as many times as you’ve tried to even start, you can really never get going. I could go on forever with the or maybes and come up with a ton of different scenarios but they all end the same… a weight loss journeys that never succeed. Why? I mean with all the efforts that we've all put in for years and years, why aren’t there more success stories?

Think about it. How many people in your life do you know who've tried to lose weight? I bet a lot. But just for shits and giggles, let’s say you only know a few. If everybody that walks the planet knows just one or two people who've tried and failed at losing weight, well, uh that’s a lot of friggin people!

So why do almost all of us fail? ...

GARLIC PARMESAN CARROTS: This Healthy Side Dish Kicks Ass

This is why you need to make this side dish:

#1. It's easy.

#2. It's healthy.

#3. It's friggin delicious.

When I make these carrots, my family gets excited. First off, we are a carrot-loving lot. All four of us love carrots. It's not often that you find any type of food that the whole family loves. Well, unless we're talking about... 


This giant list is filled with gifts that will keep your kids active and fit! They're the perfect gifts for a long winter when they're stuck indoors or for rainy days in the warmer months. You will find gifts for kids of all ages here! Super cool gift ideas for infants all the way up to teenagers! What a fun way to keep everyone you love healthy and moving!

Here we go!...





Cool shiz that the fit men in your life will actually get excited for! There are fabulous gift ideas in this list for every type of fit dude, any-level athlete, or someone who is just about to embark on a Get-Buff journey. Remember, those New Year Resolutions are coming!

After scrolling through this list, you'll be able to check some dudes off of your Christmas list. Just like that. Done... 




Do you have a badass fit chick in your life? Or hey, maybe YOU are the badass fit chick! This list is jam-packed, not only with wicked cool gifts that will have the fit girl in your life giddy with excitement, but also features gifts that'll make her life healthier, easier, and more peaceful... plus you'll get mucho brownie points for bestowing upon her kickass presents. Actually, don't mention brownies to her. Like ever. Unless you want to get kicked in the face...

Is Your Deodorant Safe?

Doing something different today, my peeps! After many requests for videos, I'm finally showing my mug. I thought it'd be the perfect time to test out a vid since I wanted to show you how to apply an amazing and, more importantly, safe deodorant that I absolutely LOVE! Yes, there really is a safe deodorant that works! I didn't believe it either since I've tried every one on the market. But then this gem came along! I swear some of the natural deodorants I've tried actually made me smell worse than if I had just gone without any at all!

I mean ain't nobody got time for smelling like a hot Italian hoagie that's been baking in the hot sun! BO is one of the worst smells on the planet! EWWWWWW! It makes me want to gag. I certainly don't want to put harmful products on my skin, but omg I can't go around smelling like BO either! Well now I don't have to do either because I found a miracle. An armpit miracle! 

I hope you enjoy today's vlog!

*Please keep in mind that my video equipment is not state of the art. I'm simply using Photo Booth on my mac. If there's anyone that still wants me to vlog after this attempt and doesn't dreadfully regret requesting to see my ass while I talk to you, I may have to find a better camera.

PS: I'm not actually showing you my ass in this video! But I do talk about my thoughts on the safe deodorant that I've fallen in love with and I show you how to apply it.

PSS: I'm a weirdo. Just throwing it out there ;)

Gabby Talks About How You Can Keep Your Pits Safe!


FRANKENSTEIN TOAST: A Frightfully Fun and Healthy Halloween Meal!

Fact #1 about me: I'm a Halloween Psycho! I love everything Halloween. It's beyond obsession at this point. It's more like neurosis. Halloween is all year round in my head. I need serious help. Now don't misunderstand me, I don't want help. I don't want a cure. I'm totally cool with it.

When I met Jay, he didn't like Halloween. It was almost a deal breaker. I mean, how the hell do you not like Halloween? I get it if you don't love it or don't participate in it once you're an adult, but to not like it? This shit is unacceptable. Since I was madly in love with this Halloween hating weirdo, I had only one choice. I had to shove Halloween so far down his throat that he'd eventually swallow it. Oh and did I ever. I poured it all over his life. Every year I forced him to start dressing up, I decorated our house like it was a scene right out of Halloweentown, and I coerced him into watching Hocus Pocus with me every season while we carved pumpkins. Nine years ago we even started an annual Halloween adult scavenger hunt for our entire community. 

Can I just say that I do realize that this poor bastard deserves awards for handing my ass all these years? But I'm proud to say that after 17 years, he's officially a fan! And when he saw this Frankenstein chicken salad toast, even he was excited about eating! ...


Hear me now... You need to make this shit! OMG it is amazing! I can't stop. 

I (and now you) have my 12 year old daughter, Gia, to thank for this dish. You see, for some reason Gia has been obsessed with avocados lately. I've been buying the big bags of them at Sam's Club to keep up with her habit so every time I go into the kitchen they're staring at me. I have to admit Gia's recent bout with them has stirred a mini-obsession of my own. I had forgotten how much I loved them. My nine year old can take them or leave them and Jay has flat out refused to even try a taste of one for the past 17 years. Let me tell you, the hubs has come along way since I switched to a healthy lifestyle eight years ago. He has given lots of dishes a try. Even ones with vegetables in them! But he has a threshold. Apparently the avocado is where shit stops for him. He says he doesn't like the look of it. I like to remind him that a package of Angus ground beef looks like a pile of brains, yet he'll knock over toddlers and the elderly to get to a big juicy burger. Okay, maybe he wouldn't go that far. Maybe. It would depend if he skipped lunch or not.

I have learned to not push him to try foods. Wait, actually, that is not true. I just re-read that first sentence and honestly laughed out loud! Then I was going to take it out and thought screw it, I'm leaving it in, haha! Let me edit that first sentence without removing it. The correct way to say it would be this... 

VEGGIE BEEF STEW: A Healthy Crockpot Comfort Food

Here in the Northeast we have Indian Summers every September. It's always so nice. I love everything about the Fall except the cold weather. So when Mother Nature gives us one last jolt of hot weather I make sure that I soak it all in. I relish it because I know in just a few short weeks, I'll be packing away all my summer clothes and getting all of my hoodies out while I whimper and bitch... for the next five months. Yes, I'll admit it. I'm one of those people who constantly complain about the cold weather. But I have to say, I'm not one of those people who complain about the weather for each season. I never complain about the heat. I love the heat! The hotter the better. I'm talking even those humid days that everyone hates. I love those days! I know I'm weird. But it can't be too hot or too humid for me. I always joke and say I'm meant to live on the Equator. When everyone else is actually melting into their very own skin puddle, I'm rejoicing! Omg I love it. I know I'm a mental case but I can't help it.

I actually wasn't always like this. It's just been since my weight loss journey. After I lost 120 pounds, I all of a sudden found ...

The Shittiest Monday Morning Ever

I'm presenting to you today a story that has absolutely nothing to do with health and fitness. If you already follow me, you know that on my blog I have a category called Laughter Burns Calories. You also know that when funny, crazy stuff happens to me, I share it with the world. I truly believe that we all need lots of laughter in our lives. Health isn't all about eating right and exercising, it's also about loving yourself and loving life. Having fun and laughing is a must in a happy and healthy life. Well, folks, I'm about to not only make you burn up some calories laughing... After you hear this story, you're going to realize that your Monday morning was a...