Backyard Paint Class: Fun Family Time
Our Backyard Family Paint Class Set-Up
While trying to find new ways to have fun at home and socially distance, we have found some keepers for sure! Backyard Paint Class has been such a hit that it is quickly becoming a family tradition and will stick around long after this pandemic is over.
After my 16 year old, Gia, told her best friends about our new fun family activity, they were blown away and thought it was super cool. They asked Gia if they could be a part of it too. Man, how could I say no to teenagers wanting to be a part of such wholesome awesomeness. I don’t know about you but when I was 16, I was always looking for trouble (not proud, just stating facts). I would have never in a gazillion years wanted to invite my friends over for a family night. Now, we never had kickass family nights like this when I was a teen, so maybe that’s a huge factor. But regardless, the fact that Gia’s friends were stoked about it made me feel good and of course I said yes.
My Daughters At Their Painting Stations
In my home, due to my husband having COPD and myself having asthma, we have in fact been socially distancing and being very careful during this pandemic. Along with cancelling our beach vacation (total bummer), turning down summer parties and cookouts, and only allowing a few visitors to our home (which we only do outdoors), finding really fun things to do is a little harder these days. But not impossible! Being as we hold our paint classes outside in our backyard, I knew Gia could safely have a few friends over and I could set up their painting stations 6 feet apart.
An entire paint class will last anywhere from 2-3 hours, maybe even more depending on the difficulty of the painting you’re doing as well as how many times you pause the video (See Pro-Tips below).
I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you this, but this activity of course does not need to be limited to outdoors. You can very easily set up a paint class inside of your home or garage. Just make sure you have plenty of drop cloths down to protect your floors, particularly carpets.
I just had to share this fun activity with you all, because it was so easy to set up and just a fantastic time. I mean if teenagers think it’s cool and have fun, you know it’s a winner. In fact, word has gotten around to some of Gia’s other friends and friends of friends and now they are all asking Gia to come over for paint class!
Let me also add here that this doesn’t just have to be a family activity. You can do this for a date night with your significant other or invite a few adult friends over. You could even add wine to the mix like they do at the Painting With A Twist Paint Class places. It’s seriously that fun… anyone would enjoy this!
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How To Set Up Your Backyard Paint Class
A Smart TV (OR a TV with an Amazon Firestick, Roku, or similar gadget that would give you access to YouTube)
Table (OR some other piece of furniture for TV to sit on)
Makeshift easels (we used chairs)
Chairs (to sit in)
Paint brushes (have a few different sizes per person)
Paper/plastic plates to use as paint tray palettes (have at least 2-3 per person)
Cups of water (1 per person)
Paper towels (4-5 per person)
Decide where you want the TV set up and place it on your table.
Set up individual paint stations. Our set up used 2 chairs per person (one chair to sit in and one chair to use as the easel). Set up these stations so that everyone has a good view of the TV.
Equip each station with a canvas, paint, paintbrushes, paper plates, cups of water, and paper towels.
Pull up YouTube on your TV and search for ‘paint class’. You will see a bunch of options come up: paint class for beginners, paint class for kids, paint class at home, etc. Find the one you want and BAM!… You are ready to have fun!
To keep everyone on the same page, it’s best for everyone to watch a few minutes of the instructional video, long enough to see a few steps, and then PAUSE the video and let everyone get to the finishing point. Just keep repeating this process the whole time.
If you have limited paint, two people who do not have to socially distance from each other (such as same house family members) can share a group of paints.
To make the TV the most visible AND to have the most fun, wait until dark to start your paint class. For a night class, you will obviously need some light. Turn on your flood lights if you have them or set up lanterns or a work light. You don’t need a ton of light, but you do need enough to decipher colors and see what you’re doing.
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