All tagged family fun


This giant list is filled with gifts that will keep your kids active and fit! They're the perfect gifts for a long winter when they're stuck indoors or for rainy days in the warmer months. You will find gifts for kids of all ages here! Super cool gift ideas for infants all the way up to teenagers! What a fun way to keep everyone you love healthy and moving!

Here we go!...



FRANKENSTEIN TOAST: A Frightfully Fun and Healthy Halloween Meal!

Fact #1 about me: I'm a Halloween Psycho! I love everything Halloween. It's beyond obsession at this point. It's more like neurosis. Halloween is all year round in my head. I need serious help. Now don't misunderstand me, I don't want help. I don't want a cure. I'm totally cool with it.

When I met Jay, he didn't like Halloween. It was almost a deal breaker. I mean, how the hell do you not like Halloween? I get it if you don't love it or don't participate in it once you're an adult, but to not like it? This shit is unacceptable. Since I was madly in love with this Halloween hating weirdo, I had only one choice. I had to shove Halloween so far down his throat that he'd eventually swallow it. Oh and did I ever. I poured it all over his life. Every year I forced him to start dressing up, I decorated our house like it was a scene right out of Halloweentown, and I coerced him into watching Hocus Pocus with me every season while we carved pumpkins. Nine years ago we even started an annual Halloween adult scavenger hunt for our entire community. 

Can I just say that I do realize that this poor bastard deserves awards for handing my ass all these years? But I'm proud to say that after 17 years, he's officially a fan! And when he saw this Frankenstein chicken salad toast, even he was excited about eating! ...