All you'll need is your body and a floor... And I'm pretty sure you have both of those. Well okay, that might not be entirely true, you'll need a chair or couch for the tricep dips in today's workout, but I'm pretty sure you have one of those too. You don't even need…


Do you need a new cardio workout? Something fresh and new? Here's a no nonsense workout that you can virtually do anywhere.

Okay, you might not want to bust these moves out in the middle of the grocery store. But hey, who am I to tell you that you can't? Go ahead. If the feeling strikes you in the middle of the dairy aisle, have at it…

How My Daughters Saved Me: My Health Heroes

But you see I wasn't just saying no to events and activities. It was so much deeper than that... I was saying no to living life. But not just mine. I was stealing precious moments away from my babies. I stole countless teachable moments from them. I stole loving, quality time from them. Time that would’ve been loaded with giggles and smiles. And why? All because I felt tired, weak, ugly, and unconfident.